The Roles of Omega-6 and Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Both omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids help maintain healthy skin, promote a strong immune system, and play a role in cell growth however most pet foods contain far more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3’s. Fatty acids are found in different quantities in many plants and cold water fish. Marine oils are good sources of EPA and DHA and our Hip & Joint Supplement chews contain Omega-3 from fish oil.

If a dog is not getting enough of these essential fatty acids, the classic signs of deficiency may appear, including:

  • dry, flaky skin
  • dull coat
  • dermatitis
  • hair loss

The appropriate amounts of omega-6 and/or omega-3 fatty acids may benefit dogs with skin, coat or certain other problems. The most convenient and economical solution is to feed a pet food rich in essential fatty acids or to ensure that your  dog’s supplements contain them.